A European methodology for the protection of cultural heritage in emergency

  • After the project’s official kick off meeting in Rome in March 2019, the Consortium focused on setting up in France, Italy, Turkey and Spain the working groups by gathering the national stakeholders involved in the safeguard of cultural heritage in both phases of preparedness and response. Thanks to the contributions given by those experts, PROCULTHER switched to the inventory phase and organised four national meetings starting in June 2019.
  • This inventory activity ended on December 2019: the national working groups have been required to analyse the capacities that their Countries are able to deploy in the preparation and response phases and to specify which contribution they could offer at European and international level in this field.
  • On December 2019 PROCULTHER convened the national stakeholders to the international workshop in order to review the national reports endorsed by the respective working groups and to bring together existing experiences and capacities so as to provide elements for the elaboration of a shared European response methodology – including guidelines and SOPs – to address protection of cultural heritage during emergencies. Find out more on the Workshop results
  • Two final steps allowed PROCULTHER Partners to further elaborate on and to fine-tuning the contents of a European methodology for the protection of cultural heritage in emergency: in June 2021, during the virtual international workshop “Defining European Technical and Operational Capacities for the Protection of Cultural Heritage at Risk of Disaster” and in November 2021 under the “Virtual International Training Module on the Protection of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage in Emergency”. The first event provided PROCULTHER Partners and stakeholders with the opportunity for further exchanges and deeper analysis of the key elements needed, while the Virtual Training gave the chance to test the module following the training module proposed by the document.
  • As a result of this process, the “Key Elements of a European Methodology to Address the Protection of Cultural Heritage during Emergencies” were presented during the PROCULTHER Final Conference (December 2021) and are available for download by clicking on the link below.

Download the Key Elements of a European Methodology to Address the Protection of Cultural Heritage during Emergencies in English

Téléchargez Les éléments clés d’une méthodologie européenne pour la protection du patrimoine culturel en cas d’urgence en français!