PROCULTHER will be among the key initiatives addressed in the G20 Culture Webinar “Addressing the climate crisis through culture”. Mr Giovanni De Siervo, PROCULTHER Director, will present the project as a case study in Session II dedicated to “Strategies and Actions for Increased Resilience of Cultural Heritage” foreseen on 12 April.
The 2021 G20, under Italian Presidency, recognises that the effects of climate change and more recently of COVID-19, are putting cultural heritage at serious risk highlighting the importance of reinforcing multilateralism and coordinated actions to reduce the vulnerability of communities at risk. All meetings and initiatives undertaken by the G20 are primarily aimed at providing a solid learning ground from common experience and pooling together the capacities of the relevant stakeholders to pave the way toward a more resilient and sustainable development.
PROCULTHER’s intervention in this multi-stakeholder webinar will focus on the importance of ensuring an effective, sustainable, and coordinated protection of cultural heritage at risk of disaster through the promotion of management models that link short-term relief measures with longer-term development by combining the skills and competences of Civil Protection and Cultural Heritage actors. Mr De Siervo will share the process implemented by the PROCULTHER Partners to define a common language, rules and standard operating procedures for the activation and deployment of an interdisciplinary capacity/team, set up under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism, able to protect and preserve disaster-prone or affected cultural heritage assets.
This webinar is intended to establish a network of international experts from G20 Countries, International Organisations, invited Countries and civil society representatives and its findings will inform the first G20 Culture Ministerial Meeting on the policies, strategies, and experiences to enhance resilience through risk prevention, mitigation, adaptation, and emergency response. The final objective is to set the scene for further international cooperation and commitment for coordinated action of policymakers on the issue of Cultural Heritage preservation, with particular focus on illicit trafficking, the links between culture and climate change and the interactions between culture, education, and training.
The PROCULTHER presentation is scheduled to take place on Monday 12 April at around 1:50 pm CET and will be available via livestream through the YouTube Channel of the Italian Ministry of Culture.
Agenda of the G20 Culture Webinar “Addressing the climate crisis through culture”
YouTube Channel of the Italian Ministry of Culture
G20 Website
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